My Secondlife Reputation

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The Zeus system will not stop you from entering a parcel, but your actions and the way you maintain your avatar could well do.

Avatar Reputation is generated based on a number of key factors, naturally we can not divulge the 11 secret herbs and spices that make up the score, but here are some pointers on how to improve your score. The maximum score achievable is 100.

  • Points are awarded based on avatar age.
  • Points are awarded for having payment info on file, if you are financially contributing to the economy you get bonus points.
  • Points are awarded for having Script MB below 2MB.
  • Points are awarded for having Script Time below 2000.
  • Points are awarded for having an Avatar Render Cost below 125,000.
  • 5 points are deducted if you have any Active Bans.
  • 1 point is deducted if you have any Expired Bans.